We help you capture your stories in beautiful books.


We craft heirlooms, memoirs and family books - here's what inspires us!

🚀 Explore our interactive story map with personal stories and historical data


In honour of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, we've created a wonderful map to show how the stories you've shared with Plantain connect us through People, Place and Time.

We'll be continually adding content and the interactive map will eventually work like this:

  1. Click on a location marker

  2. Read or watch a personal story connected to the selected country, and/or,

  3. Access data and fun historical gems that will help you better understand how our life stories are interconnected

We've just started, so stay tuned as we continue to add data to the map! And send us your own memories for us to add using our DIY tips or book a call using MemoryLines!



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